A family exchange means that an au pair finishes her/his stay with some family and continues with another one. An au pair changes her/his family mostly then when she/he likes to stay in the host country longer, however her/his stay with the original family goes to the end. Sometimes an au pair changes that also due to another not so nice reason: When there are some insurmountable obstacles between her/him and the host family. Should the stay be in this case primaturely terminated, the both parties should let that know to each other. Simultaneously, they should try to respect the contractual termination term, which in such cases is mostly 2 weeks.

Our hints:

  • Communication helps! Many problems and misunderstandings can be avoided when both the host family and the au pair speak to each other about everything just from the beginning.
  • If there is a need for the exchange of a family/an au pair, we are ready to help to find a new au pair to the family or a new family to the au pair.


Sehr geehrte Frau Provaznikova, wir möchten uns für eine gute Zusammenarbeit bedanken. Wir hatten von Ihrer Agentur bis jetzt 2 wunderbare Mädchen und...
Hallo, Mrs. Provaznikova, We are as always very happy with Dana and the children are always together with her. Her German got improved and I believe she...