In accordance with the legal regulations of the host country the expenses for an au pair may become different for either the host family or the au pair. Herewith we include an overview of the costs which will be in any case borne either by the au pair or by the host family:

Costs to be borne by the host family

Mediation fees: 100-490 EUR

Pocket money: The sum of the pocket to be paid by the family to the au pair is regulated in accordance with the regulations of the host country.

Household: The host family arranges for the food and accommodation of the au pair and it should be prepared for the rise of the household cost due to one adult person more in the family (water, electricity, etc.).

Mobility: In order to enable the au pair to accompany the children of the host family to the school or to their various activities, the host family should arrange for the mobility of its au pair and take over all the related expenses (public transportation tickets, fuel costs of the family car, providing a car etc.).

Insurance: In the most of the host lands it is a must that the host family takes care of the insurance of the au pair during her/his complete stay in the family. As a rule it takes over all the insurance on behalf of the au pair.
-Health insurance: In case the au pair´s health insurance scheme is not valid in the host country or it does not show the necessary covering, the host family must conclude a private health insurance for the au pair.
- Obligatory Car Insurance: When the au pair should use a family car, the host family should ask the respective Obligatory Car Insurance Institute, if it can include the au pair in the insurance.

Language course: In some countries the host families must take over a part of the cost of the au pair´s language course. However, in all other countries we recommend that the host families take part in covering the language costs as well.

Travel: There is no regulation of the au pair´s travel costs in the most of the countries. We recommend to all the host families satisfied with their au pair to pay to her/him the return travel costs.

Telephone: The au pair pays for her/his private communication. When needed the host family can naturally give an own mobile telephone for their au pair´s disposal. In such a case the host family and the au pair should agree on the conditions of its use.

Good to know:

  • In some countries the host families have got, under special conditions, a chance of a financial support from the state, such as for example the tax relief (like in Germany) or a payment of some financial means (like in New Zealand).


Sehr geehrte Frau Provaznikova, wir möchten uns für eine gute Zusammenarbeit bedanken. Wir hatten von Ihrer Agentur bis jetzt 2 wunderbare Mädchen und...
Hallo, Mrs. Provaznikova, We are as always very happy with Dana and the children are always together with her. Her German got improved and I believe she...