A language course makes possible for an au pair to improve her/his knowledge of the language of the host country during her/his stay. In the most of the countries a language course is not a must. In some countries like for example France an au pair must attend a language course.

The au pair brings with her/him the elementary knowledge of the host country language, in a language course it will be made deeper. That makes the communication with the host family easier. The au pair can be integrated much quicker in the family life when she/he also speaks the language spoken in the family. Especially the duties with childcare can be only then optimal exercised by the au pair when she/he can communicate with the host children. In addition to that the au pair becomes a chance through the language course to meet new people. So she/he can get better integrated in the host country´s life.

At the end of the language course the au pair can pass an exam and thus to get a certificate. Suitable language courses may be offered for example by some universities. However, also some other offering bodies can be accepted.

The costs of the language course are, as a rule, taken over by the au pair. It will be welcome when also the host family will grant some financial support to the au pair for this purpose. In any case, the host family should reserve enough time for the au pair for the attendance of the course. The family can also assist her/him in finding a suitable course.


Sehr geehrte Frau Provaznikova, wir möchten uns für eine gute Zusammenarbeit bedanken. Wir hatten von Ihrer Agentur bis jetzt 2 wunderbare Mädchen und...
Hallo, Mrs. Provaznikova, We are as always very happy with Dana and the children are always together with her. Her German got improved and I believe she...