The au pair as well as the host family can terminate the au pair contract any time under respecting the termination term stipulated in the contract. For doing that just an informal letter is enough. In the most of the countries the termination term is two weeks. In a case of a grave contract violation the contractual relations can be dissolved immediately.

However, most of conflicts or misunderstandings can be solved through an open and an honest talk. Therefore a termination should be always the last option.

What must be paid attention to in a case of termination?

The au pair and the host family should inform our agency.


Sehr geehrte Frau Provaznikova, wir möchten uns für eine gute Zusammenarbeit bedanken. Wir hatten von Ihrer Agentur bis jetzt 2 wunderbare Mädchen und...
Hallo, Mrs. Provaznikova, We are as always very happy with Dana and the children are always together with her. Her German got improved and I believe she...